The PULSE Newsletter

The “PULSE” is a quarterly publication and the official newsletter of the Ontario Risk and Insurance Management Society (ORIMS).

The PULSE is distributed electronically via email and available on-line. Reducing the need for printed material is consistent with the sustainability efforts of many organizations. This is ORIMS’ small way of “going green”!

The Ontario Chapter of RIMS is the largest RIMS Chapter in Canada. The PULSE is managed by the Editorial Committee and is intended to promote education, industry news and the activities of the chapter.


The PULSE specifically targets Risk Managers but has a broad captive audience of professionals. ORIMS regularly receives testimonials and accolades from its readership and Chapter peers indicating that PULSE is a valuable and professionally produced newsletter.


The PULSE is distributed by digital copy (via email) to risk management professionals and industry partners (brokers, adjusting, firms, legal firms, insurers, engineering service, advertising and article contributors, and other insurance related professional associations). In addition, from time to time, Special Editions of the PULSE are issued and printed for educational and promotional purposes. Current and prior editions of the PULSE are available on the ORIMS website and can also be downloaded as a PDF.

Editorial Policy

Opinions expressed in the PULSE are those of the writers and volunteer members of the PULSE editorial committee. Articles submitted to the PULSE for publication are subject to the approval of the PULSE Editorial Committee. Approval of such articles is based upon newsworthiness, and perceived benefit to the readership. All decisions of the PULSE editorial Committee are final and are not subject to appeal. Individuals submitting articles to the PULSE hereby acknowledge their acceptance of the PULSE Editorial Policy.


Articles submitted for publication in the PULSE must be of interest and benefit to the ORIMS membership and should not appear as an advertisement for the services of the contributing author. However, the author and/or their firm will be provided with a sufficient “by-line”. For examples, please see articles in some of our prior editions of PULSE.

Articles submitted for publication must conform to the following standards:


Editorial Calendar/Timelines

In order to deliver the newsletter on time, the content of each edition must be submitted to the Editorial team no later than 20 days prior to the publication date (see chart below). This allows time for the editorial committee time to review the articles and ads, submit the final work to the publisher for production, and time to proof the final product before publication. Any articles or ads submitted after the deadline will be scheduled for the following issue or another edition at the discretion of the editorial team.

If you have any questions, please contact the Editor in Chief.

Editor In Chief

Kate Bryukhanova